

Indicators and Stats


Child Rights


The Higher Council for Childhood

“The Higher Council for Childhood is the national framework for complementary work between non governmental organizations and the public sector as to child care and development in compliance with international conventions and especially,  the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in collaboration with international organizations

The Council seeks to implement the general principles of children rights in order to improve the situation of children in Lebanon and ensure their rights to survival, development and protection”

The council was established in 1994 by virtue of the decision No 29/94 issued by the Council of Ministers. It is presided by the Minister of Social Affairs, the Director General of the Ministry as Vice President and it includes members from several ministries, non governmental organizations and international organizations are specialized in children issues.

A multidisciplinary group including the Secretary General undertakes the coordination and implementation of action plans and national strategies.



Play outside and sing together: what living in Denmark taught me about raising ‘Viking’ children

I knew I was in trouble the day my pre-schooler came home smelling of woodsmoke and told me he’d been practising “knife skills”.



UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell warns of a deepening crisis for children following a visit to Sudan

 Children across Sudan are continuing to pay a devastating price for the conflict that has ravaged the country, UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell warned, fol
